Monday, February 24, 2014

NorCal Training Ride: SF CAT 2 Training Ride #6: Woodacre (58.6 miles)

This Saturday's ride was pretty amazing.

I found a new route to get from my place in the Mission to the Sports Basement in the Presidio, without climbing hella hills and getting too winded. I took Polk from SOMA and ended up pretty much down by the Marina near Octavia before I even knew it. At 7:30am on a Saturday, it's a pleasant ride!

From there I met up with a big group of ALC riders and prepared for our journey into Marin. We ended up just north of Fairfax, CA in a small town called Woodacre after a long ride through towns like Larkspur, and Ross. Cute and quaint little towns. It's wierd biking past places that I have only seen through the windows of cars. It makes me feel really good about how far I've come in just a short amount of time on long-distance riding. We rode past Good Earth market in Fairfax and I just gay gasped at how cool that was. Once past Good Earth, we quickly approached White's Hill, a long stretch of steep hill that was built up as pretty grueling. It was definitely a doozey, but before I knew it, I had reached the summit in my lowest gear possible, and then I cruised all the way down to the bottom super fast. It was glorious. Another accomplishment!

On this ride, I ate a good solid breakfast of oatmeal and a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks. It was great fuel that took most of the day to burn off. I also stayed more hydrated throughout the ride. Stopping for beverages, refilling my water bottles at each rest stop. All in all, I felt more prepared for this long ride than I did last week. And the results showed. I cycled almost 59 miles, which is more than the last week. I also didn't experience any major muscle fatigue or cramping on the way home. Bonus!

I came home from the ride thoroughly exhausted still. I napped for a few hours and then somehow managed to find my way out to a club downtown with my fiance dancing to house music at Monarch. Amazing that I could even summon the energy to get myself dressed after that!

Here's a pic of me as I was biking home. I'd already completed 51 miles and was making my way back to the Mission via Presidio/Golden Gate Park/Panhandle. It was a perfect day for a long bike ride. Not too hot. A bit of an ocean breeze everywhere. I couldn't help but smile. :)

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