Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February update

So, a couple different milestones have happened since my first post.

1. I got my bike professionally fitted to me by Ari at Bespoke Cycles (http://www.bespokecyclessf.com/). If you've never had this done before, and consider yourself more than a casual cyclist, I highly recommend it. Wow, it was informative and very helpful. Ari began by taking measurements of my bike and fitting them with his Retul fit computer. We discussed my goals , ie: what do I want to do with cycling, we discussed my body type and body awareness. Overall, it was a pleasure to partner with someone so knowledgeable about fitting someone onto their bike!

At the end of the session, he raised my bike seat 4 cm's and moved the seat position 1.5 cm's back from where it currently was sitting. He also tilted my handlebar set down 2 cm's. These all seem like miniscule adjustments, but they have made a WORLD of difference...like, HUGE. OMG.

2.  Holy eff! I completed my first half-century this past Sunday! This was my first time ever riding to 50 miles in one trip. With my new fit, I decided to push past my comfort zone and see what my body and my bike could do for each other. And, I made it. It is basically exactly 50 miles from my house to the Full Paradise Loop in Marin and back to my house in the Mission.

I feel very proud of this achievement, and yet this is only the beginning of the crazy mileage gains I'm about to embark on. My friend Steve congratulated me and quickly prompted me with "Pretty soon 50 will be your benchmark!" Geez, let me relish in this, will ya? ;)

I learned some things along the way and also will make some adjustments next time while riding this distance. On some of the training rides I've been on, I hear the motto often: Eat before you're hungry, drink before you're thirsty. These words have never been more truer than they were on Sunday. During the ride, I could literally feel my body shutting down when I wasn't hydrating. I was feeling "empty" like when a car is running on fumes. My right quadricep began to cramp. It was no bueno. So, I'm packing more snacks next time.

I'm also still getting used to grabbing my water bottle from my bike frame while in motion. Seems like a simple process and I just need more and more practice. But while slipped in to clipless pedals, navigating roads at 15+ mph, I'm still a bit weary. So, I may try riding next time with my Camelbak so I can always grab water on the go.


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